In this post, I am going to talk about something that’s very
important to manifesting your desires in your life…
It’s something that all successful people apply to their lives…
So here it is…
Some people are so anxious about getting their desires, that when
delays happen in manifesting their desires, they get frustrated and
become disillusioned…
This kind of frustrations can happen in all aspects of life…
But, how can you get rid of the frustrations? How can you remain
excited and positive, even when results are yet to manifest?
Well, as it is the case for any problem, there’s a solution for that…
Let me explain this in a real life example…
I am sure it has happened to you that you have driven to a destination,
maybe a town or city, hours away…
So your goal is to get to your destination that might be many hours,
or hundreds of miles away…
You get into your car, you check the time, you check the map, you
check the distance, and estimate how long it takes to get to
your destination…
Now, you are on your way, driving… It hasn’t been half an hour yet,
but you can’t help but to check the time and the number of miles
left to the destinations again… You may even check your speed and
do a quick calculation to see how long is left to the destination…
I am sure we all have done this…
You may even get so anxious to get to the destination that you
keep checking every half an hour so…
It may even happen that just before you get out of your city, you
get stuck in the traffic…
You get even more frustrated… you keep checking the time and
distance, even though you haven’t moved much since the
last time you checked…
That’s so frustrating, isn’t it? Every minute that you are waiting
to get to your destination, your goal, feels like eternity… it feels
like a torture…
So what can you do to turn this frustration into excitement and fun?
The answer is something that I came across accidentally, many
years ago… and I truly enjoyed the solution and the whole
The answer is something that you can apply to any goal and
desire, and so it’s so important…
But since this e-letter is getting too long and because I want
you to think about it yourself, I will explain the answer in
detail, in the next e-letter…
In the meantime, think about it, because the answer to this
is really important for living a happy life…
Best wishes with the manifestation of your desires,